
healing and growth coaching

In this unique coaching program, we will work together as you learn to unearth deep truth within, walk softly through big transitions, and come to embody your most authentic and fulfilled self.

Using practices like meditation, mindfulness, journaling, reflection, and embodiment, I’ll guide you within yourself to find healing and growth in a gentle yet powerful way.

This is for you if:

  • You want to feel more connected to yourself

  • You need a change but you aren’t sure what that looks like or how to make it happen

  • You’re healing from a relationship’s end or are feeling uncertain within a relationship

  • You want more for yourself than productivity and expectations

  • You have trouble slowing down and letting yourself “just be”

Are you ready for certainty around what’s next, to align who you are with who you want to be, and to get to the other side of healing?

Let’s begin.

meet your coach

Kimberly Novosel has been working in self development for over a decade, first leading 1:1 programs she created and then expanding to group work including meditation, yoga, vision and goals, mindfulness, creative writing, and personal growth.

More about Kimberly…



Single Unearth Session: $125 (first session: $75)

In any single session we’ll work with mindfulness, reflection, and embodiment practices to move you through where you’re feeling stuck to a place of peaceful flow.

3-Pack of Sessions: $335 ($112/session)

Deepen the work with a 3-pack of Unearth sessions.

Choose your package and book your session below.


Wanting ongoing support in this season of life?

Work with Kimberly through weekly sessions over three or month months to create clarity and alignment in the way you relate to yourself and the life you’re living.

Fill out the form at the bottom of this page to learn about availability for weekly coaching.


  • Kimberly always helps me access a part of myself I had either forgotten or was keeping tucked away. I couldn't be more grateful for the way she gently pushes me to explore. Kimberly meets you exactly where you are, without judgment, offering you both her curiosity and compassion.

    —Cassie Cichocki

  • Kimberly knows how to hold a safe, intimate space to come as you are and leave more expanded from how you came.

    —Leslie Moore

  • With Kimberly’s genuine warmth and dedicated passion, she created a safe space for self-discovery. Through her encouragement... Kimberly ignited my curiosity to flow, and I began to hear my voice again. My experience with Kimberly was transformational, and I will be forever grateful for her ongoing support in my healing journey

    —Emily Hayes, Owner, YO SOY CANDLE


Book your session here:


Connect with us here to learn about availability for weekly coaching: